What is ImPACT Applications? Since 2002, ImPACT Applications has served thousands of healthcare professionals and millions of test takers in educational, healthcare, and sports...
Why do so many care providers use the tools offered by ImPACT Applications? ImPACT Applications provides proven and reliable concussion care tools that save time, fit into existing workflows, are reimbursable in certain...
Do ImPACT Applications’ tools diagnose a concussion? ImPACT Applications’ tools do not diagnose a concussion. Only a trained healthcare provider can accurately diagnose a concussion. ImPACT Applications’...
Are ImPACT Applications’ tools cleared by the FDA? ImPACT® and ImPACT Pediatric® are the first and only cognitive assessment aids to provide baseline and post-injury data for concussion cleared by the...
Does ImPACT Applications offer training on how to use its products? ImPACT Applications offers free and paid product administration and interpretation courses, continuing education concussion management courses, and credential programs for...