Does ImPACT Applications offer training on how to use its products? ImPACT Applications offers free and paid product administration and interpretation courses, continuing education concussion management courses, and credential programs for...
How do I get listed on Concussion Care Providers directory? Complete your respective credential program on ImPACT Applications training platform. Credential programs are: Credentialed ImPACT Consultant (CIC) ImPACT Trained Athletic...
Why is there no defined normal for RCI? The RCI or Reliable Change Index is a measure of the change necessary to be considered statistically (and in most...
Which ImPACT Applications courses are approved for EBP CEUs for athletic trainers? As of 1/1/2022 BOC has discontinued the EBP Category. All ImPACT Applications continuing education courses are approved for Category A...
Which ImPACT Applications courses are approved for CE credits for physical therapists? ImPACT Applications is approved to offer continuing education credits to physical therapists for courses within the ImPACT Trained Physical Therapist...